craniosacral therapy

2025 Course Dates

  • CranioSacral 1 (CS1): 25 – 28 October 2025 – JHB
  • CranioSacral 2 (CS2): 30 Oct – 02 Nov 2025 – JHB

Contact for a registration form or complete the form below:

Banking details

Account name: Enslin Therapy
Bank: Standard Bank
Branch Code: 019205
Branch: Sandton
Account No: 424775530
Account type: Savings
Standard Bank Swift Code: SBZAZAJJ
Branch Code: 01920590
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Course Registration

    CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS 1)

    Lecturer: Lisa Desrochers MS, PT, DPT, ATC, CST-D (USA lecturer)
    Date: 18 – 21 October 2025 
    Venue: 78 Ballyclare Drive, Riverclub, Sandton, Johannesburg
    Tuition: R 18 500.00

    Upledger CranioSacral Therapy is used to treat headaches and migraines, neck and back pain, TMJ dysfunctions, chronic fatigue, motor co-ordination problems, hyperactivity, dyslexia, colic, feeding and sleeping problems, and difficult to treat cases.

    Course Highlights

    • Describe the scientific foundation and principles of CranioSacral Therapy – and why it’s the key to relieving pain and dysfunction at their source.
    • Demonstrate finely tuned palpation skills you can rely on as highly sensitive and intuitive healthcare tools.
    • Identify the subtle craniosacral rhythm and interpret its patterns to accurately evaluate dysfunction and improvements.
    • Locate the source of physical problems by traveling through the fascial system, that complex web of tissue that impacts all body structures and systems.
    • Work with approaches to a number of common ailments such as TMJ dysfunction, head and neck pain, central nervous system disorders and many more.
    • Put a simple, effective 10-Step Protocol into practice right away.

    CranioSacral Therapy 2 (CS2) – Requires CS1

    Lecturer: Lisa Desrochers MS, PT, DPT, ATC, CST-D (USA lecturer)
    Date: 30 Oct – 02 Nov 2025
    Venue: 78 Ballyclare Drive, Riverclub, Sandton, Johannesburg
    Tuition: R 18 500.00

    CranioSacral Therapy 2 (CS2) greatly expands the work learned in CS1 and completes the biomechanical CranioSacral Therapy training. The hands-on sessions will focus on cranial base dysfunctions, the masticatory system-hard palate, mandible and temporomandibular joint, whole body evaluation and the energy cyst with regional unwinding.

    Course Highlights

    • Cranial-base dysfunctions as assessed and treated by Dr. William Sutherland, the originator of Cranial Osteopathy. These strain patterns can produce profound full-body effects.
    • Review of the 10-Step Protocol.
    • Adverse strain patterns of the face, to include: nasal bones, zygomatic bones, maxillae, vomer, and palatines. Stressful patterns of the bony face can cause a myriad of issues related to the face, throat, intracranial membrane system, the entire body and physiological systems.
    • Facilitated Segments are spinal cord areas that can cause debilitating issues. Using a process to locate these segments and then treat them is essential to a CS protocol, especially when working with clients
    • Discussion of adaptation of CranioSacral technique for children.
    • How to effectively integrate techniques from CS1 and CS2 into treatment sessions of any length, or in combination with other modalities.

    SomatoEmotional Release 1 (SER 1) – Requires CS2

    Lecturer: Hans Huikeshoven CST-D (Netherlands lecturer)
    Date: TBC
    Venue: 78 Ballyclare Drive, Riverclub, Sandton, Johannesburg
    Tuition: R 20 000.00 (Due 15 August 2023)

    SomatoEmotional Release is a therapeutic process that uses and expands on the principles of CranioSacral Therapy to help rid the mind and body of the residual effects of trauma. SER1 offers applications designed to enhance results using CST and other complementary therapies. You will learn about the physiological mechanism of disease and will participate in hands-on training to facilitate the SomatoEmotional Release process. By the end of the course, you should be able to dissipate residual effects of past trauma and negative emotional experiences from the body and mind of your patients/clients.

    Course Highlights

    • Assess and mobilize the Avenue of Expression working through more than 10 different body components, including the thoracic inlet, hard palate and hyoglossal tissues.
    • Locate and release Energy Cysts.
    • Release suppressed emotions that may be inhibiting complete structural releases.
    • Refine listening and comprehension skills.
    • Improve palpation and whole-body evaluation skills.

    SomatoEmotional Release 2 – Requires SER1

    SER is where you really learn CranioSacral Therapy – you take the training wheels off. 

    Tim Hutton, UII Instructor

    Lecturer: Hans Huikeshoven CST-D (Netherlands lecturer)
    Date: TBC
    Venue: 78 Ballyclare Drive, Riverclub, Sandton, Johannesburg
    Tuition: R 20 000.00 (Due 15 August 2023)

    This workshop was designed to teach participants how the SomatoEmotional Release technique may integrate with various creative imagery and dialoguing methods. Class participants become more proficient in the SER techniques and focus on the development of therapeutic imagery and dialoguing skills, as well as also review and enlarge upon the release techniques for the avenue of expression. The goal is a comfortable wholistic mind-body approach to the resolution of problems and obstacles related to patient/client progress and growth.

    Course Highlights

    • Locate the history, key concepts and therapeutic process of psychosynthesis, Gestalt and Jungian psychology.
    • Demonstrate application of the integration of psychosynthesis, Gestalt and Jungian psychology with SomatoEmotional Release and therapeutic imagery and dialogue.
    • Classify the throat and hard palate techniques for releasing vocal apparatus.
    • Differentiate methods for inviting a solicited image, maintaining an unsolicited image and discovering an image’s purpose.
    • Conduct skills for facilitating dialogue between the patient’s levels of consciousness.
    • Name the 10-Step Protocol for imagery and dialogue.
    • Demonstrate exercises in active imagination, archetypes, self awareness and dialogue and facilitated imagery.
    • Solve approaches to dreamwork.
    • Match continued focus on craniosacral rhythm as significance indicator.
    • Identify contraindications for SER.
    • Explain the role of self responsibility both as a client and a therapist.
    • Describe you to attain ‘Neutrality” at various levels of therapy. Ex. Physical, Energetic, Emotional, and Spiritual.
    • Explain how to integrate very basic acupuncture theory and practice with SER.
    • Engage the Inner Physician in the individual and archetypal forms it takes for healing.
    • Describe the Psychosynthesis model as it relates to holistic and integrated healthcare and wellbeing.
    • Demonstrate how to facilitate the CranioSacral System’s Integration of body-mind-spirit processes..

    CranioSacral Therapy 1 (CS 1)

    Lecturer: Lisa Desrochers MS, PT, DPT, ATC, CST-D (USA lecturer)
    Date: 25 – 28 October 2025
    Venue: Cape Town venue TBC
    Tuition: R 18 500.00

    Upledger CranioSacral Therapy is used to treat headaches and migraines, neck and back pain, TMJ dysfunctions, chronic fatigue, motor co-ordination problems, hyperactivity, dyslexia, colic, feeding and sleeping problems, and difficult to treat cases.

    Course Highlights

    • Describe the scientific foundation and principles of CranioSacral Therapy – and why it’s the key to relieving pain and dysfunction at their source.
    • Demonstrate finely tuned palpation skills you can rely on as highly sensitive and intuitive healthcare tools.
    • Identify the subtle craniosacral rhythm and interpret its patterns to accurately evaluate dysfunction and improvements.
    • Locate the source of physical problems by traveling through the fascial system, that complex web of tissue that impacts all body structures and systems.
    • Work with approaches to a number of common ailments such as TMJ dysfunction, head and neck pain, central nervous system disorders and many more.
    • Put a simple, effective 10-Step Protocol into practice right away.

    CranioSacral Therapy Applications for Concussion (CTAC) – Requires SER1

    Lecturer: Mariann Sisco (PT, CST-D)
    Date: 13 – 16 March 2025 
    Venue: 78 Ballyclare Drive, Riverclub, Sandton, Johannesburg
    Tuition: R 20 000.00 (Due 01/02/2025)

    Prerequisite: SomatoEmotional Release 1 (SER1)

    This advanced level seminar is designed to inform the practitioner of CranioSacral Therapy (CST) of the current science related to Persistent Concussive Symptoms (PCS) and how to apply the CST paradigm utilizing CST techniques to assist people in concussion recovery.

    CSTAC Course Highlights

    • Explain the need for manual therapy in concussion recovery.
    • Describe the pathophysiology of concussion.
    • Demonstrate both original and new applications of CST for PCS recovery.
    • Develop and fine tune advanced listening and palpation skills related to structural and dysfunctional tissues as a result of a concussive event.
    • Apply the new knowledge base when participating in patient approved discussions with their physician and/or therapists.
    • Identify opportunities for sharing the value of CST with other healthcare professionals specializing in concussion care.
    • Construct a short sharing point to generate interest in including CST as a modality in concussion recovery programs.

    craniosacral therapy