Seizure free

Ingo was a four year old boy that arrived as a patient in May 2016. At the time Ingo had between 100 – 290 Atonic seizures per hour.

Read about his amazing story of recovery as told by his mother, Nandi.

“Ingo was born at 27 weeks and weighed 900g, and was in ICU for 89 days after birth.

From three and a half  years old he started having Atonic-and Tonic-clonic seizures. He had been to different neurologists, and had many EEG’s, MRI’s FMRI’s (Functional MRI), CT Scans. It was recommended that he have a corpus colostomy, and also removal of  some areas in the left and right motor cortex of the brain. We also started the ketogenic diet (no sugar and very little carbohydrates) and Ingo was on 4 types of seizure control medication.

We ran out of options, because if we did operate he would lose the function of both his hands .

We were introduced to the Family Hope Centre in Philadelphia USA. They recommended CranioSacral Therapy (CS Therapy). Although we were very skeptical about this, we did research and were introduced to Joanne Enslin-de Wet where we had our first CS therapy session.

At this stage Ingo was having between 100 – 290 Atonic seizures per hour. After session one we saw a dramatic result. Within 5 days Ingo was completely seizure free!

We are in awe of the results. We see Joanne every 10 days as Ingo now absolutely loves the CS Therapy. He has had three sessions. He is more relaxed, his balance is perfect, vocabulary improved, and his EQ has improved dramatically. His reasoning ability has improved, and his ability to complete tasks is not a problem anymore.

We are so so grateful that we were introduced to Joanne as we do not know how Ingo would be seizure free if not for CS Therapy. Previously we did OT, speech therapy, spell therapy, loads of Physio and had very minimal results. These CST treatments have  helped with basic life skills and to adapt to his health and skills.

Our Doctor in Cape Town, Dr. Butler, was open to holistic ways and seeing if other therapies would help. We have learned that to go holistic gives much more normality in a child’s reality, and that brain surgery is not the only option out there.

Eternally grateful.”

The treatment that worked for Ingo

The corpus callosum is a broad band of nerve fibers joining the two hemispheres of the brain. This bundle of nerve tissue contains over 200 million axons (nerve fibers that carry electrical impulses from neurons’ cell bodies) by rough estimate. This neural tissue facilitates communication between the two sides of the brain.

The inferior sagittal sinus is contained in the inferior margin of the falx cerebri and arches over the corpus callosum, deep in the longitudinal fissure.

Treatment within the saggital suture of the skull allows us access to these structures.


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